BEACH REAL ESTATE GROUP invites kids ages 5-17 to participate in its Endless Summer Coloring Contest! The winning entry will receive a $50 Visa Gift Card!
Follow these steps to enter:
- Choose one of the four coloring pages to download below. (One entry per child.)
- Use crayons, colored pencils, or markers to color your page!
- Take a photo of the finished colored page and upload it in “The Discussion” comments of the FB Event Page for BEACH REAL ESTATE GROUP Summer Coloring Contest Facebook Event post. (All entries must be submitted on Facebook.)
- The Deadline for digital entries is August 20th
The winner will be announced on September 1st on BEACH REAL ESTATE GROUP’s Facebook page. Good luck and happy coloring!
Winners will be notified on September 1st and will have their colored image displayed on BEACH REAL ESTATE GROUP’s website, Facebook and other promotional/media venues. Winners agree to allow posting of an image of themselves receiving their gift card on promotional media sites.